Tuesday, 30 June 2015


Day Seventeen: Photograph Vertical Lines

Ok, no pre-amble -  here it is:

Caught sight of this this afternoon on my way home.

Just couldn't resist.

Until tomorrow


Day 16: Photograph a rectangular shape

Ok, so rectangles surround us everywhere. Our doors, windows, books, cd and dvd covers, the tv, boxes, the back-up hard drives, the fence posts. Everywhere I look I see rectangles. But I wanted to do something a little bit different. So I kept my eyes open for something different.

We see these everyday, but do we really SEE them?

Until tomorrow

Sunday, 28 June 2015


Day Fifteen: Photograph Light and Shadow

For todays shot, I got a bit creative.

There are two photos today - just because I can ;)

Actually, I couldn't decide which one I preferred..

Until tomorrow

Saturday, 27 June 2015


Day Fourteen - Photograph a Circle

We went for a drive today. Just 40 minutes from home.

We investigated a place we have been to before, but never explored.

I harvested several awesome photos, but I kept in my mind that I was looking for a circle.

This is what I found:

Until tomorrow

Thursday, 25 June 2015


Day Thirteen: Photograph Colour

Thinking about colour again.

Not a lot around this time of year in the garden. Some pretty nasturtium flowers, but I thought I might try something a bit more adventurous.


Until tomorrow

Wednesday, 24 June 2015


Day Twelve: Photograph Light and Shadow

I think this one speaks for itself.
I love the patterns that light and shadow make. From the shape of a tree shadow, to shadows made by finer things.

Can you guess what this is the shadow of?

Until tomorrow



Day Eleven: Photograph Patterns

I spent the day today noticing patterns everywhere.

That's what I love about this challenge, every day, I focus on the challenge, and see so many possibilities around me.

When I got home, I looked for patterns, and what stood out for me was:

Until tomorrow

Tuesday, 23 June 2015


Day 10

Well, it is getting to be a challenge to find something to photograph after 11 hours at work. Not much time left in the day.

Limited to what I can find in the house as it is dark when I leave for work, and dark when I get home.

Mid winter is not the best time to take up a photo challenge! LOL.

Todays challenge is: Photograph a cross.

I thought about it all day at work again, and when I came home I looked around for crosses.

This is what I found.

Until tomorrow.



Day Nine: Photograph a Circle

Ok, so I spent all day yesterday thinking about this one at work, and set this one up.

I am enjoying these challenges, even though at the moment I really don't have time for them.
I just make time.


Saturday, 20 June 2015


Day Eight: Photograph Texture

Pondering on textural possibilities today, I took my camera walking with Bella (my dog).

We went to Tuapiro, a wonderful wee pocket of forest just 10 minutes drive away from home. I figured the forest would provide many textural opportunities.

Sure enough, I came away with around 30 images of textures.

This has to be my favourite, because of the variety of textures in the one image.

Until tomorrow


Friday, 19 June 2015


Day Seven: Photograph a subject with dominant negative space.

Okay, so I been thinking all day - what can I photograph with dominant negative space?

Wandering around upstairs, camera in hand, I see my wee turtle, and I think - hmm, standing on a box, with the monotony of the grey sky behind - negative space.

So here it is:

Until tomorrow


Thursday, 18 June 2015


Day 6: Photograph a Circle

Todays challenge to photograph a circle saw me wandering about my back yard, looking at circular things.

Holes in fence palings, wheels, a frisby, flowers, watering nozzles.

This is what won out in the end:

Happy shooting


Day Five: Photograph Colour (again)

Ok, so getting home after dark, after a day of thinking about photographing colour, what hits me?
My collection of paintings in process.

Until tomorrow

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Twofer: 365:003 and 365:004

Today is a twofer.

Yesterday I did not get to post day 003

So here goes:


Day Three: Photograph colour.

I love the contrast between orange and green:


Day Four: Photograph Light and Shadow

The sun was very low in the sky when I got home tonight, and cast this gorgeous golden glow upon the wall of our living room.

Interesting that I could have used the photo for day three for both days . . .

Until tomorrow

Sunday, 14 June 2015


Day Two: Photgraph a Pet.

I decided to capture Bengi-Bob while he was doing his vacume impersonation.

Until tomorrow


Saturday, 13 June 2015

365 Day Challenge - Day One

Ok, so I bought the ebook Vision365 from Craft and Vision here, and today I start the challenges.

For the next 365 days, I will take a MINDFULL photo of something as per the directions.

Challenge 001:

Photograph something that belongs to someone special.
A keepsake or an item that has sentimental value.

I chose my sons RC car . . .

Until tomorrow
